West Fork White River at Pump Station Rd – PL566 – Fayetteville, Arkansas



The WCRC will design an 8,000 foot restoration on the West Fork White River(WFWR) that includes a priority reach for excess sediment production and removal of a low-head dam.  The restoration design will use natural channel design principles as the foundational basis for the restoration plan.  Knowledge of the local hydrology and stream morphology will help to refine the design to achieve long-term channel stability and help to meet the restoration objectives including:

  • Address channel instability and streambank erosion
  • Reduce sediment loadings in the Beaver Lake watershed
  • Reinstate river bed features (riffles, runs, pools, and glides) currently inundated by backwater from a low-head dam
  • Improve water quality via improved nutrient assimilation, increase stream aeration, and increase canopy cover over the stream
  • Improve terrestrial habitat by restoring riparian areas
  • Restore unique ‘oxbow highland’ wetland features when possible
  • Improve aquatic habitat through restoration and creating fish passage
  • Incorporate recreation features that includes public access to the river and riparian areas

The WCRC will work with project partners and collaborators to successfully implement the design

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