(479) 444-1916
Watershed Conservation Resource Center (WCRC) partnered with Central Arkansas Water (CAW) to stabilize 400 Linear feet of riverbank on the Maumelle River which feeds into Lake Maumelle, owned by CAW. Lake Maumelle is the primary public water supply for approximately 400,000 people in the Little Rock-North Little Rock metropolitan area and surrounding communities.
The WCRC developed a design, which stabilized the eroding bank using natural channel design techniques, which included rebuilding land mass along the eroded banks using toe wood and developing a bankfull bench. Reference reach data was collected, to provide basic information needed for the site design. Some structures were incorporated into the design to divert flow away from the eroding area. Both the toe wood and structures enhanced the aquatic habitat at the site. The riparian area was re-vegetated to enhance wildlife habitat and provide additional erosion control. A new channel was designed through the restoration area based upon reference reach conditions for a river located in the same physiographic region.
WCRC continued to monitor and maintenance the new project for the next 5 years to establish a healthy stand of native vegetation and insure the greatest probability of long-term stability associated with the site.
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